Archive for February 19th, 2009

I Don’t Know About You, But…

…I don’t feel like taxpayers should support Nadya Suleman.

If you’ve been living under a rock for the past month or so, let me recap the story of the “miracle” Octuplet Mom. Suleman is the proud mother of newborn octuplet in addition to six other children she already had. All fourteen children are a result of IVF (in vetro fertilization) allegedly from one donor, “David Solomon,” whom Suleman had supposedly briefly dated in the past. The accuracy and truth of this and other details Suleman shared in a primetime interview with Ann Curry several weeks ago are under scrutiny based on statement from Suleman’s mother, no less, stating that she had lied about many things.

Prior to the octuplet’s birth, Suleman was already living with her mother and was subsisting on settlement payments from lawsuits she’d won against her previous employer and the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board. Supposedly, a majority of the settlement money went toward the IVF treatment that eventually lead to the octuplet’s birth. The successful birth of the octuplet became an overnight news sensation, thrusting the unknown Angelina Jolie-wannabe into the spotlight, so much so that she now has an agent and had a PR company.

Suleman was depressed and wanted a large family due to the “isolation she felt growing up”– a statement blatantly being denied by her own mother. But now that she has her large family, she can’t afford them, and is asking for donations via a website. Plus, her mother’s house is being threatened with foreclosure. What’s a mother of fourteen to do?

Rely on the generosity of the American people, that’s what.

But, should the burden of raising her fourteen children– a feat that she knew going into it was not something she could’ve possibly handled– suddenly become our responsibility or even worth our pity?

Call me insensitive but I’m pretty much on the “you reap what you sow” mentality here. She’s still probably going to get some sort of government subsidy because, well, that’s why America is so great. So, ultimatelty, I, as a taxpayer, am going to end up helping her whether I like it or not.

The thing is: I do want to help because of the children. But, I’m nervous that any help sent her way will only be used for more plastic surgery, more IVF treatments, or other ventures that harm more than help the kids.

What a sad, twisted tale…

February 2009

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